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    Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

    List of Ingredients

    3 cups Flour
    2 teaspoons Baking Powder
    1 teaspoon Salt
    3/4 cup Butter or Margarine -- softened
    2 cups Sugar
    3 cups Mashed Bananas -- { 6 or 7 medium}
    4 Eggs -- beaten slightly
    2 teaspoons Vanilla
    1 cup Chocolate Chips


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly oil two large loaf pans. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda, and salt. In another large bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Add bananas, vanilla and eggs, beating until well blended. Add the dry ingredients to the banana mixture and blend well. Stir in chocolate chips. Do not over mix. Pour the batter into the prepared pans and bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until golden brown. Set the pans on a rack to cool for 15 minutes. Then turn out of the pans to cool completely.




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