Baked Apples Supreme
Baked Apples Supreme
from Little Rock Cooks...
Recipes Handed Down from Generation to Generation
6 medium apples (Jonathan)
12 tablespoons brown sugar
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of ginger (optional)
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup pecans, coarsely chopped
1 cup raisins
2 or more cups water, boiling
Wash and core apples; place apples in baking dish. Cover bottom of baking dish with boiling water; fill each apple cavity with 2 tablespoons sugar, dash of cinnamon and ginger and 1/2 tablespoon butter. Bake covered for 30 minutes at 375 degrees or until apples are soft. Baste occasionally with liquid in pan. When apples are done, remove them; pour remaining liquid into a saucepan; add raisins and nuts. Gently boil until syrup thickens. Pour over apples. Serve hot or cold with whipped cream.
Copyright 1972 The Junior League of Little Rock, Inc. All rights reserved.