My Own Macaroni Salad
Source of Recipe
My own Mona M
My Own Macaroni Salad
Cook 2 1/2 lbs. of macaroni elbows, when tender
wash in cold water uuntil cool.
Chop up 1 large red peppeer, 2 green peppers, 1 yellow pepper.
1 large onion,
2 large bunches of green onions, and dill relish (I use dill pickles in food processor)
1 lb. of cedder cheese chopped into small chucks.
If can get a good cucumber peel and dice up with about 5 Rome
or other paste tomatoes.(more if want)
Season with salt, pepper, celery chopped, celery seed and basil.
Take salad dressing and milk and whip until as thick as buttermilk,
add to the rest and chill overnight.
This is the one I made for Jesse's wedding. Very good...