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Email to Nalani Morris      

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    This is a copy cat recipe from the Kahala Hilton hotel in Honolulu.

    List of Ingredients

    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1/4 cup cornstarch
    • 1/8 teaspoon salt
    • 2 cups milk
    • 3 egg yolks
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 1/2 cup heavy cream
    • 2 tablespoons coffee liquor
    • Macadamia nuts, see note
    • 9 inch baked pie shell
    • Topping, recipe follows


    1. In a 2 quart sauce pan with a wooden spoon, stir together the sugar, cornstarch, salt; gradually stir in the milk, keeping it smooth. In the pint cup used to measure the milk, with the spoon, beat egg yolks enough to blend thoroughly; add to the sugar mixture and stir vigorously until blended. Over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, cook until boiling, sputtery thick as (or thicker than) mayonnaise--about 10 minutes. Off the heat, stir in the butter until melted. Turn into a bowl; lightly cover surface of mixture with plastic wrap--If you do this without pressure, you will be able to remove the wrap without any of it sticking to the mixture. Refrigerate until mixture is cool--no longer warm to the touch.
    2. In a small bowl beat the cream and coffee liqueur until stiff. Fold into the cooled mixture until blended. Fold in 1/2 cup coarsely cut macadamia nuts. Turn into baked pie shell. Refrigerate until cold. Spread with the topping; sprinkle the center with thinly sliced macadamas; arrange 8 whole macadamias equally around the edge of pie. Chill until served---the soft filling will cut beautifully. Makes 8 servings.
    3. TOPPING: Beat together until stiff.

      1/2 cup heavy cream
      1 tablespoon superfine sugar
      1 tablespoon coffee liqueur

    4. NOTE: Macadamia nuts (roasted and lightly salted) are now widely available in jars and cans in supermarkets and specialty food shops. Set aside 8 whole nuts for garnish. For the 1/2 cup coarsely cut nuts (the size of cherry pits) called for (this is what's written and I'm not sure I would cut the nut while in my hand) hold the nut halves in your hand and with a sharp knife, cut in half again. Chopping the nuts with a knife on a chopping board does not work well because they will inevitable splinter. For the center garnish, you can slice them thinlyh on a board because the splintering won't matter. Nalani has a curved wooden bowl and a curved knife (ulu) which cuts well.




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