Source of Recipe
Val at the RT
List of Ingredients
"E" is for EGGS
A teaspoonful of cold water added to the white of an egg causes it to
whip more quickly while increasing the quantity.
* To separate eggs, gently crack the eggshell in the center with a knife
as you hold the egg over a custard cup or bowl. Slide the egg yolk back
and forth from one shell half to the other, allowing the egg white to
fall into the cup. Drop the yolk into another cup.
* It's easier to separate eggs while they're still cold.
* Did you ever get ready to make deviled eggs and spent the next three
days at the sink trying to get the shells off? Follow me.
* To shell eggs without the hassle, make sure the eggs are at least
several days old before you boil them. To make sure of this, place the
eggs in a saucepan of water. If an egg lies on its sides, it's new. If
it stands on end, it has a little age. If the egg floats, out it goes.
It's too old.
* If you plunge the boiled eggs in ice water the moment they are
drained, the shell comes off easily. It also helps keep that halo of
green we all hate from forming between the yolk and white.
When the eggs are cook, gently tap the shell. This allows you to pull
away the thin membrane that surrounds the egg when you peel the egg.
* Hard boiled eggs shouldn't be boiled. They'll get rubbery. (When I
first started cooking, I started to patent mine for the world's best
ping pong balls.)
* The covered pan should be removed from the heat the minute boiling
takes place. Set aside for 15 minutes and the eggs will be done. If the
eggs came straight out of the refrigerator, let stand for 20 minutes.
* Not enough eggs?
In baking, you can generally replace 1 in 3 eggs with a tablespoon of
cornstarch. Also, for most purposes, 2 yolks will substitute for 1 whole
* Keeping eggs fresh:
If you want the eggs nice and neat, please don't wash them. You'll
remove the protective coating on the shell and they won't last as long.
Instead, wipe them off with a cloth. Would you rather have a clean
rotten egg or a dirty, fresh one?
* Stuck to carton:
Wet the carton and the eggs will come out without cracking.
* Stuck to egg beater, pots etc.:
The secret to cleaning eggs off utensils is to use cold water, not hot
* Giving chickens a break--
Egg whites can be kept frozen up to 1 year. Add them to a plastic
container as you collect them for use in meringues, angel food cake. 1
cup equals 7 or 8 egg whites. You can also refreeze defrosted egg
* Off center yolks: (never mind the strange looks)
You can't change them now, but next time, roll the raw egg a couple of
feet horizontally (always in the same direction) Helpful to know if you
plan on making deviled eggs.
Tim says: if my breakfast guest ever complain about off-centered eggs
OUT THE DOOR they go! Meaning, the GUESTS.
* Never crack an egg on the edge of something, counter or measuring cup
or whatever. That�s a sure way to get shards into your recipe. Bang it
gently on its side on the counter top instead. This way you will never
get a shard of shell. The membrane inside always holds the pieces of
shell intact. Just use your fingers to open the round, broken area and
pull the egg apart.