Source of Recipe
This was posted by Angel on the Recipe Requests
List of Ingredients
1 cup = 16 tablespoons (or 8 fluid ounces - see "liquid" below)
1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons
� cup = 4 tablespoons
1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon
� cup = 8 tablespoons
2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
� cup = 12 tablespoons
7/8 cup = 1 cup less 2 tablespoons
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
1 pint = 2 cups
1 quart = 2 pints or 4 cups
1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 ounce liquid measure = 1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons
2 ounces liquid measure = �cup
3 ounces liquid measure = 1� cup + 2 tablespoons
4 ounces liquid measure = � cup
5 ounces liquid measure = � cup + 2 tablespoons
6 ounces liquid measure =� cup
7 ounces liquid measure = 1 cup less 2 tablespoons
8 ounces liquid measure = 1 cup
16 ounces liquid measure =1 pint
32 ounces liquid measure =1 quart
128 ounce liquid measure =1 gallon
Apples - 1 pound = 3-4 medium size (2 �-3 cups, sliced)
Bananas - 3 medium size = 1 pound; 1 cup, pureed;� cup sliced
Beans - 1 pound, dried = 2 cups, dried - which will make 5-6 cups, cooked; one 15-ounce can, drained = 1� cups, cooked
Butter - 1 pound = 2 cups
1 stick (� pound) = � cup
1 stick makes 8 even slices, 1 tablespoon each
Cabbage - 1 large cabbage weighs about 1 � pounds, makes about 3 cups, shredded (serves 4-6)
Cheese - 1/2 pound = about 2 cups grated (may vary, depending on variety)
Cream Cheese - 3 ounces = 6 tablespoons
Coffee - 1 pound = 3 1/3 cup, ground
Cream - 1 cup = 2 cups whipped (approximately)
Coconut - 1 pound = 5-6 cups, flaked or shredded
Eggs - 4 large size = 1 cup
Flour (all-purpose) - 1 pound = 4 cups
Flour (cake) - 1 pound = 4� cups
Flour (self rising) - 1 cup = 1 cup all purpose flour + 1 teaspoons, baking powder + 1/8 teaspoon, salt [blend thoroughly]
Gelatin - 4 leaves (1/4 ounce) = 1 envelope granulated
Lemons - 1 medium-size (6 ounces) = 3-4 tablespoons, juice; 2 teaspoons, zest
Limes - 1 medium-size (3 ounces) = 2 tablespoons, juice (maximum); 1 1/3 teaspoons, zest;
when juicing small limes, allow 6 limes to make 1/2 cup, juice
Marshmallows -1/4 pound (4 ounces) = 16 regular size marshmallows
Mushrooms (regular, white variety) - � ound = 3 cups sliced
or 1 cup sliced after saut�ing
Onions - 1 medium = � cup finely chopped
Pasta - 1 pound dried = 7-8 cups, cooked (may vary, depending on variety)
Potatoes - 1 pound = 3 medium-size (1�ups, mashed)
Rice (regular white) - 1 pound raw = 2�cups raw or about 6 � cups cooked
Rice (converted) - 14 ounces = 2 cups raw or about 8 cups, cooked
Rice (brown) - 12 ounces = 2 cups raw or about 8 cups cooked
Rice (wild) - 1 pound = 3 cups raw or about 11-12 cups cooked
Sugar (granulated) - 1 pound = 2 cups
Sugar (superfine) - 1 pound = 2 1/4 - 2 �cups
Sugar (brown) - 1 pound = 2 � 2 1/3 cups
Sugar (powdered) - 1 pound = 4 �ups, sifted
Wafer cookies (such as vanilla wafers) - 22 cookies = 1 cup fine crumbs
Wheat, bulgur (bulghur) - 1 pound = 2 �cups raw (dry, before soaking)
6 ounces = �cup (frozen juice concentrate)
8 ounces = 1 cup (fruits and vegetables)
No. 1 (10 �ounces) = 1 1/3 cups
No. 300 (15 ounces) = 1 �cups (pork & beans, etc.)
No. 1 1/2 (16 ounces) = 2 cups
No. 2 (20 ounces) = 2 �cups
No. 2 1/2 (28 ounces) = 2 �cups
No. 3 (33 ounces) = 4 cups
(46 ounces) = 5 � cups