Source of Recipe
From Val
List of Ingredients
Keep these pairings in mind when you are creating recipes:
Bananas -- brown sugar, butter, caramel, cardamom, chocolate, cinnamon, coconut, cognac, coriander, cream, custard, gin, ginger, honey, Kirsch, lemon, lime, malt, maple syrup, oranges, rum, sour cream
Figs -- almonds, anise, brown sugar, caramel, cheese (especially blue and goat), cinnamon basil, Cointreau, cornmeal, cream, ginger, honey, lavender, lemon, marsala, mint, Parma ham, rosemary, thyme, red wine
Lemons -- almonds, cardamom, chocolate, currants (black), honey, lime, poppy seeds, raspberries, strawberries
Oranges -- Armagnac, basil, cardamom, chipotle peppers, chocolate, cinnamon, coconut, ginger, mangoes, olives, pecans, sherry, vanilla
Basil -- cheese (especially mozzarella and parmesan), chicken, duck, eggplant, eggs, fish, lamb, onions, potatoes, rabbit, salad greens (especially dandelion and rocket), shellfish (especially crab and shrimp), tomatoes, zucchini
Cardamom -- chicken, coffee, curries, duck, lentils, meat, oranges,
peas, rice, squash
Cinnamon -- apples, avgolemono, berries, chicken, chocolate, coffee, custards, lamb, oranges, pears, rice, tea
Mint -- black beans, carrots, chocolate, cream sauce, duck, eggplant, fish soups and stews, fruit salads, lamb, lemon sauce, lentils, mushrooms, oranges, peas, peppers, pork, salsas, tomatoes, yogurt dressings, Ice tea
Rosemary -- beans (especially dried and fava), chicken, game, grains, lamb, mushrooms, oily fish such as mackerel or sardines, onions, oranges, peas, pork, potatoes, salmon, spinach, steaks, veal
Vanilla -- apples, apricots, chocolate, custards, fish, fruit, ice
cream, plums, shellfish, souffl�s
Rice (white) -- basil, brown sugar, cardamom, cherries (dried),
cinnamon, coconut, cream, curry, custard, garlic, ginger, lemon,
mushrooms, nutmeg, nuts, oranges, parsley, pineapple, raisins, saffron, tomato, vanilla, yogurt
Tamarind -- chicken, curries, fish, lamb, lentils, peaches, pears,
poultry, rice