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    Source of Recipe

    Val at the Rounc table.

    List of Ingredients

    Part 2 (Cakes to Curry)


    No one knows why, but if you store a carton of cottage cheese upside
    down, it will keep indefinitely. I have found this to also be true of
    sour cream.(Set it in a saucer in case of a tiny leak in the lid.)

    Cottage cheese will remain fresher longer if you store it upside down in
    the refrigerator. This slows the effects of oxidation.

    With the holiday season here and time spent in the kitchen a norm,
    needing a small amount of an ingredient such as half and half or any
    other cream that is called for can end up wasting money if you don't
    need much of it. you either put it in the fridge and throw it away
    later, or just forget you had it in there, (and throw it away later).
    Pour the cream in an ice cube tray and freeze it, When frozen, pop them
    out and place them in a ziploc bag. Anytime you have a recipe that calls
    for a small amount of cream, (such as soups), just use one or two "cream
    cubes." You won't be wasting any of the ingredient, or the money. You
    can do this with leftover wine (if there is any during the holiday

    Remove core of lettuce (with sharp knife). Hit on counter top to break
    loose. Let the HOT water run in the lettuce. Turn up side down, drain.
    Put in lettuce keeper, this is best, or a plastic bag, (let out all
    air). Put in refrigerator. This method will keep lettuce crisp for a
    long time.

    Add to a salad at the last possible moment to prevent sogginess.

    When a sauce curdles, remove pan from heat and plunge into a pan of COLD
    water to stop the cooking process. Then beat the sauce vigorously or
    pour into a blender and process until the sauce is smooth.

    I bet you already knew this--Curry, the spice traditionally used in
    Indian cooking does not grow on trees! It is a blend of as little as 5
    and as many as 20 spices.





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