Source of Recipe
Safeway store
Recipe Introduction
These directions were given out at our local Safeway store.
List of Ingredients
Before you start:
Do NOT use a convection oven
4 to 6 days before cooking. Thaw frozen turkey in the fridge. Once you remove the turkey from the fridge, it should be at room temperatore no longer then 1 hour before cooking.
1-2 days, Clean your oven to prevent smoking of burned on grease
30 minutes before cooking preheat oven to 475
10 to 24 pound turkey
Coarse Ground Black Pepper
Coarse Kosher Salt
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Tools needed:
Roasting pan
V shaped rack
Meat thermometer
oven thermometer
Aluminum Foil.
1. Remove and discard truss, pull or trim off, and discard lumps of fat. Remove giblets and neck (also tail, if desired) and save for gravy.
2. Rince turkey inside and out with warm water. Pat dry with paper towel. Rub turkey skin all over with olive oil. Set bird breast down and sprinkle back with the salt and pepper.
3. Place an adjustable V shaped rack (set rack sides so bird is a minimum of 2 inches from pan bottom)in a pan about 13 x 16 in. deep. Put turkey breast up, on rack; sprinkle breast with salt and pepper. Fold wing tips under.
4. Using aluminum foil, form caps over the tips of the end of each drum stick. If wing tips extend beyond pan rim, fashion a foil collar underneath to make sure drippings flow back into pan. DO NOT TIE LEGS TOGETHER, ADD STUFFING, OR CLOSE BODY CAVITY.
5. Insert an oven safe meat thermometer near center of breast through thickest part of breast to bone (make sure it touches)
6. Set pan on the lowest rack in a 475 degree oven: roast according to time chart (below) checking as directed during cooking, until thermometer reaches 160 degrees. Halfway through roasting time, rotate pan to reverse it's oven postition and assure even cooking and browning. If areas on turkey breast start to get browner then you like, lay a piece of foil over the dark spots. If there is any smoke, check pan and wings for drips into oven: adjust foil under wings, or slide roasting pan into a larger, shallow rimmed pan. Wipe drips from oven bottom.
7. Remove pan from oven and set in a warm draft-free spot. Let turkey rest 30 to 45 minutes; meat will still be hot.
8. Drain juices from body cavity into roasting pan. If making gravy, spoon off and discard fat from drippings in pan. If drippings are dry, skim any fat from pan, then add 1 cup chicken broth; scrape drippings free. Use a giblet gravy recipe as directed (see www.everyseasonmag.com for ours).
9. Cut off turkey legs at thigh joint. If joint is red or pink, return legs to oven for 3 to 5 minutes (at 300 or 475 degrees) or heat in a microwave oven for 3 to 4 minutes.
10. Carve the rest of the turkey. Carving juices may be clear to rosy; both are fine. Save juices to pour into gravy for richer flavor, if desired.
Turkey weight Cooking time range
10-13 lb. 50 mins to 1 1/4 hrs.
13-16 lb. 1 1/4 hrs to 1 hr 50 min.
16-19 lb. 1 1/4 hrs to 2 hrs.
20-22 lb. 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs.
22-24 lb. 1 1/2 hrs to 2 1/2 hrs