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Money Saving Recipes

Cheap Eats ~ What a Treat!

I know how hard it is to make a single income stretch. The food budget is one that seems to be the most flexible... The recipes you will find here are budget stretchers!

Every recipe listed here will only cost approximately 1 dollar per person! Some recipes may cost a bit more and others a bit less, but I will try hard to stay near that 1 dollar mark. Of course prices will vary according to location... but these recipes should give you a good starting point. Feel free to adjust these recipes to suit your own family's needs. Enjoy!

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
Jumbles (2 )Mon 28/Apr/2003 07:51:04
OneDishMeal (1 )Mon 28/Apr/2003 08:42:00
SOUPSandSTEWS (1 )Sun 27/Apr/2003 20:28:53
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