§hirl's Christmas Icecream Pudding
Source of Recipe
Shirl's Kitchen
Recipe Introduction
thought you might like to try this,
List of Ingredients
1lb dried mixed fruit (sultanas, raisins, currants, apricots ect.)
Port as required (see below)
4oz granulated sugar
1/4 pint of water
4 egg yolks
1 pint cream
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
4oz chopped toasted almonds
Put the dried fruit into a bowl, add just enough port to barely cover and leave overnight to soak. Dissolve the sugar in the water over gentle heat, then bring up to the boil, and boil steadily untill it forms a syrup. Beat in the egg yolks well, then carfully pour the syrup onto them in a thin stream, whisking all the time. Keep whisking to make a mousse. Whip the cream then fold into the mousse with the vanilla essence, the nuts and the soaked fruit(which should have absorbed the port) turn into a pudding bowl and freeze