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    Yummy Bunny Cookie -

    Source of Recipe

    Better Homes and Gardens®. Copyright 2002.

    Recipe Introduction

    Want to have some fun? Pat the cookie dough into other shapes, such as a big bell for Christmas, a giant pumpkin for Halloween, or a huge heart for Valentine's Day. Just be sure the shape is the same thickness all over, so it will bake evenly.

    16 Servings

    1 18-ounce roll refrigerator sugar cookie dough
    2/3 cup canned strawberry or cherry frosting
    2/3 cup coconut
    1/2 - 1 cups assorted candies

    1. Cut the cookie roll crosswise into thirds. On the bottom half of a large baking sheet pat 1 portion into a 6-inch circle to form the bunny's head.

    2. Position the remaining 2 portions of dough atop head, and pat into 8-inch-long bunny ears.

    3. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven for 13 to 15 minutes or until done. Cool for 2 minutes on baking sheet.

    4. Transfer to a serving plate or wire rack. Cool about 30 minutes before decorating. Spread frosting over bunny to about 1 inch from the edges. Sprinkle with coconut.

    5. Use candies to decorate as desired. After serving, store any leftover cookie, covered, at room temperature. Makes 16 to 20 servings.

    1 serving equals: Calories 217; Fat 9g; Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 170mg; Carbohydrate 31g; Protein 2g




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