Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
4 cups white, all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspooon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon sugar
2/3 cup golden raisins
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
Sift flour, salt, baking soda and cream of tartar into a
mixing bowl. Stir in sugar and golden raisins then add
buttermilk, mixing to form a firm, but not too stiff
dough. Knead lightly on a floured sueface and form into a
slightly flattened round. With a large knife Cut a deep cross
about 1/2 of the way down to form 4 equal sections in the loaf.
Brush the top lightly with milk. Place on a greased lightly
floured cookie sheet and bake in the center of the oven at 400
degrees for 25 minutes. Turn the load upside down and return
to the oven for a further 5 minutes. The loaf is done when it
sounds hollow when tapped on the base. Wrap in a damp cloth
and place on its side to cool. Cut into quarters, slice and
butter generously.