Email to Rosemary Leibrook Recipe Categories: Rcy66y's HOME PAGEAMISH APPETIZERS ARTSandCRAFTS BBQ BEVERAGES BISCUITS BREAD BREADMACHINE BREAKFAST CAKES CAKESandPIES CANDY CANNINGPRESERVING CASSEROLES CHEESECAKE CHILI COBBLERS COFFEECAKE COOKIES COOKINGMETHODS CROCKPOT CUPCAKES DESSERTS DIABETIC Dip DOGTREATS EGGS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FRUIT GARDENOUTDOORS GrandDaughtersCookB HEALTHBEAUTY ICINGS INGREDIENTEQIIVALENTS INMUG JAMSandJELLIES JarReceipes LeibrookFamilyRecipes LOW-CARB LOWFAT MARINADES MEATS MUFFINS OutdoorCamping PASTA PASTRIES PetixCardellaFamilyCooks Pickles PIES PIZZA POULTRY Punch QuanityCooking RECIPEFORAHOME RELISH RICE RichmondFamilyRecipes SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS Stuffing SubstitutionChart SweetRolls VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN Grasshopper Pie Source of Recipe Dottie List of Ingredients 1c sugar 1/4c butter 3 eggs 1tsp vanilla 1/2tsp vinegar 1/2c pecans 1/2c coconut 2oz chocolate chips 9 inch pie shell, unbaked Recipe combine all ingredients in medium mixing bowl and mix well. pour into shell and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or till done.