Spaghetti salad
I never had this kind of Spaghett Salad before. This comes from my Mother in law, Mildred Leibrook Armour. She is such a great cook. This is really good one. Becomed one of my favorite things to cook.
List of Ingredients
- 1 pkg. long spaghette cooked until done in salt water. You can break it up in twos or threes.. as you wish.
- 1 small can pimentoes, chopped
- 8 sweet pickles, chopped
- Pour over all and mix throughly.
- 1/2 cup sugar.
- 2 eggs beaten add,
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 T. dry mustard
- disolved in cold water.1 T. butter, 1 level T. Cornstarch, salt, peper. Cook, stiring conslantly. so not to stick.
- as aboved... This is how she gaved it to me...She will be 91 July, 2001