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    An old family favorite


    This recipe makes four kringles. Dough will keep in the refrigerator 1 week, dough may also be frozen.

    2 cans of 30 ounce pie filling; apple, peach and cherry are good,
    or other filling of your choice (I like cream cheese)

    Kringle Dough
    1 lb. butter or margarine, softened
    4 cups flour - Cut together like pie crust until the size of marbles.
    4 egg yolks
    1 cup sour cream
    1 package dry yeast dissolved in 1/2 c. warm water

    Cut margarine into flour. Mix remaining ingredients together and add to flour mixture until mixed and form a ball. Divide into 4 balls. Wrap in wax paper and refrigerate overnight.

    When ready to bake, roll ball into a 12 x 15 rectangle on a well floured board. I like to trim the edges to make square corners. Working quickly before dough softens, transfer onto cookie sheet. Sometimes I roll this out right on parchment so the whole works can go in the oven. Fill the middle with one half of a can of pie filling. Fold the ends up and both sides over. Let kringle sit at room temperature for 20 minutes. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees or until brown. Let cool, drizzle powdered sugar glaze over and top with chopped nuts.

    1 cup sifted powdered sugar
    2 tablespoons melted margarine or butter
    1 tablespoon water
    1/4 teaspoon vanilla

    To make it look prettier, I cut slits in the the sides of the rolled dough before it is folded over the top to make it look prettier. This is really easy and delicious.

    I have made my own cream cheese filling for this, too:
    8 oz. cream cheese
    1/3 c. sugar
    1 egg yolk
    1 tsp. lemon juice

    Mix together until smooth and well blended. Spread down middle of kringle dough, and finish as directed above.




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