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    Bob's Can't Lose Meat Loaf

    Source of Recipe

    Discovered it myself by trial and error - Bob Schmidt friend in Palm Springs

    List of Ingredients

    • 1/2 pound ground pork meat
    • 1/2 pound ground veal meat
    • 1 pound ground chop meat
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 jar chili sauce
    • 1 medium onion chopped coarsely
    • 1 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
    • garlic salt
    • pepper
    • Italian seasoning
    • brown sugar


    1. Mix beef, pork, and veal together with 2 eggs, choppedonion, garlic salt (to taste), pepper (to taste), 1/2 bottle of chili sauce, Italian seasoning (to taste).

    2. Mix all the above together. Add seasoned breadcrumbs until mixture can start taking shape (not too much of the bread crumbs).

    3. Form into a meatloaf. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and place in greased pan.

    4. In separate bowl mixed the remaining chili sauce with brown sugar. Add brown sugar until the sauce becomes darker in color. (About 1/2 to 1 full cup of brown sugar)

    5. After meat loaf has been in the oven for 1/2 hour spoon 1/2 of the sauce of the top and sides. Cook another 20 minutes and put the balance of the sauce over and around the meat loaf. After one full hour of baking all the above remove meat loaf and serve.

    Final Comments

    It's best to leave the meat loaf stand for about 10 minutes so it slices easier.
    Best served with potatos (whole canned potatos work great) and Brussels Sprots.
    If you don't use all the meat loaf the first night it's really great the next night cold on crackers.




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