Source of Recipe
Aunt Saunny
An omelet is simply an egg envelope which can hold whatever you have a taste for or have on hand. If your first attempt tears, pretend you started out to make scrambled eggs all along. Multiply the recipe for more
2 eggs
2 tablespoons water
1/8 teaspoon salt, optional
Dash pepper, optional
1 tablespoon butter or cooking oil OR cooking spray
In small bowl, beat together eggs and water with salt and pepper, if desired, until blended. In 7 to 10 inch omelet pan or skillet over medium-high heat, heat butter until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. Pour in egg mixture. (Mixture should set immediately at
With an inverted pancake turner, carefully push cooked portions at edges toward center so uncooked portions can reach hot pan surface, tilting pan and moving cooked portions as necessary. When top is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, fill, if desired. With pancake turner, fold omelet in half or roll. Invert onto plate with a quick flip of
the wrist or slide from pan onto plate.
In 9-inch pie plate, heat butter on full power until melted, about 45 seconds. Tilt plate to coat bottom evenly with butter. Set aside. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, beat together eggs and water with salt and pepper, if desired, until blended. Pour into hot plate. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Cook on full power about 2 to 3 minutes, rotating 1/4 turn
each 30 seconds. Do not stir. When top is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, fill, if desired. With pancake turner, fold omelet in half or roll and slide from pie plate onto serving plate.
NOTE: All microwave cooking times are based on a full power output of 600 to 700 Watts. For a lower wattage oven (500 to 600 Watts), allow more time.
Makes 1 to 2 servings.