Source of Recipe
Aunt Saunny
Non-stick cooking spray
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup butter
1 3-ounce box cherry gelatine dessert mix
20 (4-inch) lollipop sticks
Metal tablespoon-size measuring spoon
Candy thermometer
Spray 2 large baking sheets with non-stick spray. Arrange 10
lollipop sticks on each baking sheet, spacing evenly apart.
Stir sugar, corn syrup, and butter in small saucepan over
low heat until sugar has dissolved. Slowly bring to boil,
stirring frequently. Continue cooking for 7 minutes, or
until candy thermometer registers 275 degrees. Stir in
gelatine until smooth. Using metal tablespoon and working
quickly, spoon syrup over one end of each lollipop stick.
Cool completely. Wrap each lollipop in plastic wrap and
store in airtight container.