Remove outer leaves and any undesirable portions from firm
mature heads of cabbage; wash and drain. Cut into halves or
quarters; remove core. Use a shredder or sharp knife to cut
cabbage into thin shreds about the thickness of a dime. In a
large bowl, thoroughly mix 3 tablespoons salt with 5 lbs.
shredded cabbage. Let salted cabbage stand for several
minutes to wilt slightly; this allows packing without
excessive breaking or bruising of the shreds. Pack salted
cabbage firmly and evenly into a large, clean pickling
container. Using a wooden spoon, tapper or hands, press down
firmly until the juice comes to the surface. Repeat
shredding, salting and packing of cabbage until the container
is filled to within 3 to 4 inches of the top. If juice does
not cover cabbage, add brine: 1 1/2 tablespoons salt to 1
quart water; bring brine to a boil; cool. Cover cabbage with
muslin or cheesecloth and tuck edges down against the inside
of the container. Weight down cabbage under brine. Formation
of gas bubbles indicates fermentation is taking place. Remove
and discard scum formation each day. A room temperature of 70
degrees to 75 degrees F is best for fermenting cabbage.
Fermentation is usually complete in 3 to 6 weeks.
TO CAN: Bring sauerkraut to a simmer (185 to 210degrees F).
Do not boil. Pack hot cabbage into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch
headspace. Remove air bubbles. Adjust caps. Process pints
15 minutes, quarts 20 minutes, in a boiling water canner.
Makes 144 servings.