1 Squeeze lemon half, reserve 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice.
2 Remove the pulp and white membrane from the lemon peel, slice peel
3 Combine the peel and baking soda in a small saucepot, adding just
enough water to cover peel; simmer 5 minutes.
4 Remove from heat; drain peel; set aside.
5 Slice the strawberries; measure 4 1/2 cups of prepared strawberries.
6 Combine the strawberries, lemon juice, lemon peel and pectin in a
large saucepot.
7 Bring slowly to a boil.
8 Add the sugar, stirring until dissolved.
9 Bring to a rolling boil; boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
10 Ladle the hot marmalade into hot jars, leaving �- inch headspace.
11 Adjust two-piece caps.
12 Process 10 minutes in a boiling water canner.
13 This recipe yields about 8 half-pints.