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    Aunt Saunny

    This makes a great gift for any young lady on your recipient list.


    adult size denim pant leg with pocket
    denim button & button hole fabric paint journal hot glueInstructions:
    Begin by cutting the pant leg as if you were making a pair of cutoff shorts by making your cuts up the inside seam.
    Lay the journal open so that the seam of the book is laying on the seam you have left on the pant leg on the wrong side of the denim. Trim around the book leaving 1/2 an inch of material all around the book. Using a hot glue gun, glue up the edges of the material as if you were wrapping a package. For the seam, cut two small slits on the seam material on both ends. Glue up one side at a time, closing the book to make sure the book will close. Bring up the seams and glue them in place. Glue the first papers that are in the front and the back. Glue on the pocket on three sides leaving the top open for a pen or pencil. Paint on a flower or other decoration. Glue the button on the front. Glue the button hole with about three inches of the waist band. Cut off the buckles if there are any.
    Button the journal and you are finished




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