Artichokes and what they are!
Source of Recipe
Aunt Saunny
Artichokes are one of those confusing vegetables for most
The artichoke is a pretty versatile vegetable. They make a
savoury appetizer, salad or vegetable accompaniment when
marinated, either whole or cut lengthwise in halves. They
are also delicious in poultry, beef, pork or lamb stews.
Artichokes complement the flavour of seafood dishes such as
saut�s, jambalaya and paella. They can get pretty fancy with
these in restaurants too.
Artichokes with soft green colour and tightly packed leaves
are the premium quality to select. Fall and winter artichokes
may be darker or bronze-tipped or have a whitish, blistered
appearance due to exposure to light frost. Yet many consider
these frosted artichokes to be the most tender with intense
flavour. Avoid artichokes which are wilting, drying or have mold.
An artichoke will look and taste fresh for up to two weeks if
handled properly. Do not wash before storing. To keep longer
than a few days just drizzle a few drops of water on each
artichoke, place in a plastic bag, seal airtight and
Wash artichokes under running water. Pull off lower outer
petals of artichokes; cut stems to inch or less (if fresh,
more stem may be left on.) Snip off tips of petals, if
desired, and keep in acidified water to preserve green colour.
Artichoke Heart Slices:
Bend back outer petals of artichokes until they snap off
easily near base. Edible portion of petals should remain on
artichoke base. Continue to snap off and discard thick petals
until central core Of pale green petals is reached. Cut off
stems and top 2 inches of artichokes; discard.. Pare outer
dark green layer from artichoke bottoms. Cut in half lengthwise.
Cut out centre petals and fuzzy centres. Dip or rub all surfaces
with lemon juice. Cook as directed in recipes.
Basic cooking methods include boiling or steaming, microwaving
or a saut�.