Cheaters Banana Bread / Cake
I call this my cheaters banana bread and cake because it is the sneaky way to make people think you have worked very hard baking. :o)
Cheaters Banana Bread/Cake
To a yellow cake mix add the ingredients that are required on the back of the package. Now the key is to add 2 cups of mashed bananas to it before you bake it. This is a super moist cake and is very good.
To make the bread you add 2 cups of bananas to the mix as for cake but add an additional 1 cup of flour, decrease the egg by one and add extra 1/2t. vanilla.
For chocolate use the same guidlines. But if you wish to add mini chocolate chips please flour them before adding it keeps them from dropping to the bottom and scorching.
Use your imagination it is such a wonderful thing. You will find that you can do such fantastic things.