Email to Patrice Recipe Categories: Slimz's HOME PAGEBEVERAGES BREAD BreadPudding BREAKFAST Brownies CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES Chili CoffeeCakes COOKIES Doughnuts Dumplings EGGS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FreezerIdeas Homemadesausage ItalianBeefGravy LeftoverMashedPotatoes LowCostMeals MARINADES MEATS MyCocaColaBBQSauce MyVersionofShakeandBake NoodlesDumplings PASTA Potatoes PotatoSalad RICE Rolls SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SOUPSandSTEWS SpaghettiWithSauce Potato Pancakes 4 large potatoes grated 2 eggs slightly beaten 1/2-3/4 c. flour depending on the size and moisture of potatoes 1 t. salt 1/2 t. baking powder Mix in order given fry on hot well geased griddle until golden brown. Flip do the same on the other side. Serve with either sour cream or applesauce.
4 large potatoes grated 2 eggs slightly beaten 1/2-3/4 c. flour depending on the size and moisture of potatoes 1 t. salt 1/2 t. baking powder Mix in order given fry on hot well geased griddle until golden brown. Flip do the same on the other side. Serve with either sour cream or applesauce.