List of Ingredients
4 –5 egg whites or you can buy ff simply egg whites in a cartoon I would just use 1 carton
½ cup each red and yellow pepper chopped finely
½ cup of onions
½ cup of chopped tomatoes
½ cup of chopped mushrooms
First I sauté all my veggies so they are soft but not overly cooked in a pan with a spray of ff Pam. I put that to a side then I get a pan with a spray of ff Pam again and put my egg whites in. Once they look like they are getting white I put my sautéed vegetables on top of it. Then let it cook for a bit until egg is cooked all the way through and then you turn it in half. Then I grate some ff cheese on top let the cheese melt a bit and then I take out of the pan. I top this off with some pepper. This is good and it serves 2. Great for a yummy breakfast, or snack.