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    Casserole: Asiago Bagel Breakfast Bake

    Source of Recipe

    Panera Bread

    List of Ingredients

    - 8 eggs
    - 1/4 teaspoon salt
    - 2 cups milk
    - 1 tablespoon fresh tarragon, chopped
    - 1/4 teaspoon paprika
    - 6 ounces grated Monterrey Jack or Cheddar cheese
    - 6 ounces grated Asiago cheese
    - 4 Panera Bread Asiago Cheese or Plain bagels


    In a large mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, salt, milk, tarragon and paprika. Add fresh ground pepper to taste. Mix the grated cheeses together in a bowl. Cut the bagels into small bite-size pieces. Grease a 2-quart souffle or casserole dish and, starting with the bagel pieces, place them in the dish in alternating layers with the grated cheese. Pour the egg mixture evenly over all, cover the dish and place it in the refreigerator overnight. Bake it uncovered, in a preheated 350 degree oven for 1 hour, until the top is golden brown.

    SERVES 8




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