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    Eggs: Baked Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    a hybrid of Ina Garten’s herbed baked eggs and Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef‘s baked eggs recipe

    List of Ingredients

    1 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
    1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
    1/2 tsp fresh rosemary, minced
    1/2 tsp fresh thyme, minced
    1 tbsp fresh parsley, minced
    8 eggs
    4 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled
    1/4 cup kale, sautéed and chopped
    salt and pepper to taste


    Heat oven to 375°F.

    Butter four ramekins. Combine the cheese and herbs in a small bowl. Crack two eggs into a bowl or cup, taking care not to break the yolks. Pour the two eggs into a ramekin and repeat until all four ramekins have eggs. Sprinkle bacon, kale, and the cheese-herb blend over the eggs. Finish with a dash of salt and freshly ground pepper.

    Bake the eggs for 10-15 minutes until the eggs have achieved desired doneness: less time for runny yolks, more time for firm yolks. Keep in mind that shallow ramekins will cook faster than deeper ramekins (uh, I found this out the first time around). Serve immediately.




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