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    Butter: Butter Cake with Black Cherries

    Source of Recipe

    Chef Terry Mitchell

    Recipe Introduction

    Clafoutis aux Ceris (Traditional Butter Cake with Black Cherries)

    List of Ingredients

    500 gm (18 oz) black cherries, stoned
    4 tbsp Kirsch (optional)
    100 ml (3 1/2 fl oz) milk
    150 ml (5 fl oz) whipping cream
    1/2 vanilla pod
    4 eggs
    120 gm (4 1/2 oz) caster sugar
    20 gm (3/4 oz) plain flour
    pinch of salt
    butter and sugar for greasing and sprinkling


    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius).

    If using the Kirsch, sprinkle over the cherries and stir. Bring the milk, cream and vanilla to the boil. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse for a few minutes.

    Place the eggs and the sugar in a mixing bowl and whisk until creamy. Add the flour and salt and whisk until smooth.

    Then strain in the vanilla milk, completely combine.

    Generously butter the inside of the dish and sprinkle with sugar. Add the cherries, then pour the batter mixture over them. Cook in the pre-heated oven for 25 minutes. Remove, allow to cool until warm, and sprinkle with caster sugar.

    OPTION: You can do the same with apples or apricots.




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