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    Roll: Chocolate Roll w/Chocolate Ganache Filling

    Source of Recipe

    Spike & Jamie

    List of Ingredients

    6 extra large eggs, separated
    8 ounces dark semi-sweet chocolate
    1/4 cup strong coffee
    1 cup sugar


    Bake in oiled, paper lined jelly roll pan. (You can use parchment paper or brown paper bag cut to size). Preheat oven to 350° F. Melt chocolate in coffee over hot water and cool. (Can be done in a Pyrex graduate in the microwave.) Beat egg yolks until lemon colored and add sugar and chocolate. Beat egg whites until stiff and carefully fold into chocolate mixture until no trace of white remains. Spread in oiled, paper lined pan and bake at 350° F for 15 minutes. Turn off oven and let cake stay in oven for 5 minutes longer. Cover with 2 damp paper towels and chill. To remove, dust top with confectioners sugar and loosen edges with a knife, then invert onto waxed paper plastic wrap. Spread with filling and roll up lengthwise, using plastic wrap to help roll it and hold it together. Freezes well. Serve with whipped cream and decorate with chocolate curls.

    Filling for Chocolate Roll:

    1-1/2 cups whipping cream
    12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate

    Bring cream to boil in heavy large saucepan. Add chocolate and stir until smooth. (This can be done in a glass graduate in the microwave) Chill ganache about one hour until just beginning to firm. Beat ganache until light and fluffy and use to fill chocolate roll. You can add 1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam and 1/4 cup framboise to hot chocolate mixture if desired.




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