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    Cupcakes: Baby Rattle Cupcakes

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    Great for a baby shower. View video by clicking on link below.

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    How to make baby rattle cupcakes for a baby shower

    Prepare the cupcakes

    Bake some cupcakes in a standard muffin tin using cupcake liners.Tint some icing to match the palette of your baby shower party theme.Start frosting your cupcakes with the base color using an offset spatula - about a dollop of frosting per cupcake. Make sure you give it an even coat around the entire top of the cupcake.Use parchment paper or cellophane to make pastry cones and fill with the colored frosting. Cut a small hole in the tip. (You can also buy prepared colored frosting in tubes from the grocery store.)

    Tips for decorating baby shower cupcakes
    Pipe some decorations on with the colored frosting. Piping is simply the act of squeezing the frosting out of a pastry bag or cone.Be sure to squeeze from the top when applying to the cupcake, using your other hand to guide you to keep it steady.To make a flower, hold the bag perpendicular and squeeze and hold in place, then pull down to make a little tear drop shape. Continue to squeeze and pull to the center until you have made all the petals of the flower.Using another pastry cone with a different color of frosting you can place a little dot in the center of each flower.You can also do a plaid pattern by just making a cris-cross pattern with different colors of icing.Add writing to your cupcakes if you wish. Writing in script is sometimes easier since you do not have to lift up the bag as much. Try to maintain a consistent amount of pressure when writing.

    Making the baby rattles
    To turn your cupcakes into baby rattles you’ll need lollipop sticks, gumdrops and ribbon.Using a piece of ribbon tie a bow onto the lollipop sticks.Next, place a large gumdrop on the bottom of each of the lollipop sticks.Poke a hole in the side of the cupcake using a toothpick. This makes it easier to put the lollipop handle into the cupcake.Take your lollipop stick and place it in the hole you made with the toothpick in the side of your cupcake.Betty Crocker's baby rattle cupcake recipe serves 24.




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