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    Chocolate: Flourless Chocolate Cake 1

    Source of Recipe

    Chef Tim Scott, Marshall Field's

    List of Ingredients

    1-pound chocolate chips
    8-ounces butter, unsalted
    6-large eggs


    In a double boiler melt chocolate chips and butter until smooth, set aside

    In a double boiler heat eggs, stirring constantly just until warm to the touch. With an electric mixer whip eggs until they form soft peaks.

    Fold the eggs into the chocolate mixture and combine completely.

    Spray or butter 6 - 8 ounce ramekins or heatproof cups well, divide chocolate mixture evenly between the ramekins.

    Bake at 425 degrees for 5 minutes, then cover with foil and bake an additional 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly at room temperature (20 to 30 minutes). Refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Serve with raspberry sauce and ice cream.

    YIELD: 6 Servings




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