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    Pudding: Maple Walnut Pudding Cake

    Source of Recipe

    Karen, CO

    Recipe Introduction

    This pudding forms a cake on top with a sauce underneath.

    List of Ingredients

    1/2 cup milk
    2 egg yolks
    3/4 cup maple syrup
    1/4 teaspoon maple extract (vanilla may be substituted)
    14 teaspoons flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    3 teaspoons butter or margarine, melted and cooled
    1 cup finely chopped walnut
    1 2/3 cups hot water


    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    2. Butter a 2 quart casserole dish.
    3. Mix all ingredients together except walnuts and hot water.
    4. Pour mixture into the prepared casserole dish.
    5. Sprinkle walnuts on top.
    6. Pour hot water over all.
    7. Bake for 35 minutes or until a cake tester or tooth pick inserted in the center of the upper part (the cake part of the pudding) comes out clean.

    YIELD: 6 -8 Servings




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