Relish: Sweet Relish II
Source of Recipe
Mrs. E. Johnson, Canada
List of Ingredients
20-medium onions or 3 lbs.
2-lbs. sweet peppers
6-large cucumbers or 4 lbs.
1-can of pimentos (drained)
�-cups pickling salt
4-cups cold water
4-cups vinegar white
1-pkg celery
7-cups white sugar
1-tbsp mustard seed (optional)
Put cucumbers, onions & peppers through coarse food chopper
Dice pimento & celery
Put all in large bowl
Add pickling salt & water & let stand 4 hours
Drain thoroughly
Make syrup with white sugar, vinegar, and mustard seed
Bring to a boil
Add drained vegetables
Simmer 10 minutes
Put in jars & seal.
** If it's a green relish you are looking for, omit the mustard seed as it will turn it yellow