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    Ann Landers' Best Ever Lemon Pie & Meringue

    Source of Recipe

    Ann Landers' Column

    Recipe Introduction

    ANN LANDERS' BEST-EVER LEMON PIE AND MERINGUE~ "I got it from a taxi driver in New York at least 20 years ago...Almost everyone knows that you can buy pie shells that are nearly as good as any that are made in your very own kitchen."

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    1 baked 9-inch pie shell
    1 1/4 C. sugar
    6 T. cornstarch
    2 C. water
    1/3 C. lemon juice
    3 egg yolks
    1 1/2 tsp. lemon extract
    2 tsp. vinegar
    3 T. butter


    Mix sugar and cornstarch together in the top of a double boiler. Add the two cups of water. Combine egg yolks with lemon juice and beat until well mixed. Add to the rest of the sugar mixture. Cook over boiling water until thick -- about 25 minutes. This does away with the starchy taste. Now add the lemon extract, butter and vinegar, and stir thoroughly. Pour mixture into deep 9-inch pie shell, and let cool. Cover with meringue, and brown in oven.

    Never-Fail Meringue
    1 T. cornstarch
    2 T. cold water
    1/2 C. boiling water
    3 egg whites
    6 T. sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla
    Pinch of salt

    Blend cornstarch and cold water in a saucepan. Add boiling water, and cook, stirring until clear and thickened. Let stand until COMPLETELY cold. With electric beater at high speed, beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add sugar, and beat until stiff but not dry. Turn mixer to low speed; add salt and vanilla. Gradually beat in cold cornstarch mixture. Turn mixer again to high, and beat well. Spread meringue over cooled pie filling. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until top is lightly browned.




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