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    Trader Joe's Thai Chicken Pizza

    Source of Recipe

    Trader Joe's

    List of Ingredients

    1 cup TJ's Just Chicken
    1 jar TJ's Peanut Satay Sauce
    1 package TJ's Pizza Dough
    1/2 cup TJ's Carrots, shredded
    2 tbsp TJ's Unsalted Peanuts, chopped
    4 TJ's Green Onions, cut lengthwise
    1 cup TJ's Shredded Mozzarella


    Preheat the oven to 425°. Combine chicken and a 1/2 jar of the satay sauce and place in fridge. While the chicken chills, take out pizza dough and allow it to rise for 45 minutes to an hour. Begin to shape the dough by lightly dusting a flat surface with flour, form the dough into a ball, and begin to push from the center out (it's perfectly honorable to use a rolling pin). When the dough is in a rough circular shape, spread the remaining satay sauce on top of the dough. Sprinkle the mozzarella over the sauce and layer the marinated chicken on top of that. Complete by sprinkling with the shredded carrots, green onions and peanuts. Place carefully into the oven (if you have a pizza stone, all the better, otherwise a baking sheet will do just fine). Bake for 10 - 15 min until the cheese bubbles and the crust turns golden brown. Enjoy!

    Serves: 2 - 4
    Cooking Time: 10 - 15 Minutes




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