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    .Crock Times and Temperatures

    Source of Recipe

    Posted by Liza on Mimi's Recipe Exchange Board
    Time Low High
    1/2 hour 108º 150º
    3/4 hour 124º 168º
    1 hour 135º 183º
    1 ½ hours 154º 250º
    2 hours 168º 300º
    2 ½ hours 183º 315º
    3 hours 200º 319º
    3 ½ hours 208º 330º
    4 hours 212º 333º
    5 hours 212º 333º
    6 hours 212º 335º
    7 hours 212º 340º
    8 hours 212º 340º

    2 hours on Low generally equals 1 hour on High. If a recipe calls for 8 hours on Low, you can cook it on High part of the time either at the beginning or the end. If you have to serve dinner sooner than expected, you can switch from Low to High and cook for half the remaining time. But don't cook food covered with liquid on High once the temperature hits 212º or it will be boiled.

    Keeping track of time can be done with a white grease pencil from a stationer's. Mark down on the lid the time you began the cooking.

    Cooking in advance, when feasible, is indicated by an asterisk. You can prepare a dish up to that point and refrigerate it overnight if desired.

    In addition, almost any soup, stew or braised dish is better reheated the day after cooking.

    Reheating in the crock to a temperature of 185º to 190º requires about 2 ½ hours on Low or 1 hour on High. When putting chilled food in the crock, add about 15 minutes to Low or 8 to 10 minutes to High.

    Altitude cooking requires increasing the cooking time 1 hour on Low or 1/2 hour on High for every 1,000 feet above 4,000 feet.




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