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    Bombe: Summer Ice Cream Bombe

    Source of Recipe

    Allyson Grafton

    List of Ingredients

    Green Layer
    1 litre vanilla icecream (see Cook’s Tip)
    1 tsp green food colouring
    2 tblsp Creme de Menthe liqueur
    White Layer
    750 ml (3/4 litre) vanilla icecream
    Strawberry and Chocolate Sorbet
    1 cup sugar
    3/4 cup water
    3 cups chopped fresh strawberries
    3 tblsp lemon juice
    100 grams chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate
    1/2 plain sponge cake


    1. Soften the vanilla icecream. Add the colouring and Creme de Menthe and work quickly with a metal spoon to blend together.
    2. Line an 8-10 cup bombe mould or round-based bowl with plastic wrap and press the green icecream into a thick layer around the inside. Refreeze for 30 minutes to one hour.
    White Layer
    1. Soften the vanilla icecream and press a thick layer on the inside of the green icecream. Refreeze for 30 minutes to one hour.
    2. Press the strawberry and chocolate sorbet into the centre and level off.
    3. Cut the sponge into a 1cm thick layer and place on top, pressing down firmly. Cover with plastic wrap and re-freeze overnight.
    To Serve
    1. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before turning out to serve.
    Strawberry and Chocolate Sorbet
    1. Place the sugar and water into a saucepan and stir over a low heat until dissolved. Chill.
    2. Puree the strawberries with the lemon juice in a food processor, then pour in the sugar syrup.
    3. Freeze in an icecream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Add the chocolate at the end.
    1. If you do not have an icecream machine place the sorbet into a lidded freezer-proof container and freeze 4 hours. Remove and beat for 2-3 minutes with an electric beater. Return to the freezer and repeat once more. Freeze until firm.

    serves 8 - 10

    Cooks Tip: Store bought vanilla ice cream is the easiest and best for this layer as home-made ice cream will not be as bright green once coloured.




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