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    Misc: Cannoli Ala Sicilana

    Source of Recipe

    Thomas Briggs

    List of Ingredients

    3 Cups flour
    3 Tbls. Margerine or Crisco
    1 Cups sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. cinnamon
    2 Eggs
    2 Tbls. Wine Vinegar or Cooking Wine

    Ingredients for Cannoli Filling :
    1 1/2lbs Ricotta(Figaro is best)
    1/2 cup Powdered sugar
    3oz Cream cheese
    1/2 tsp. Almond extract
    1/2 cup Chopped Chocolate Chips
    1/2 cup Chopped Walnuts


    To make the shells:
    Place the flour in a mixing bowl with the margerine, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Mix with a pastry blender. Add eggs, blend in 2TBS. wine vinegar or cooking wine, one at a time add 2 TBS. cold water, or moreif required to make a firm smooth dough.
    Knead the dough lightly to resemble a pie crust. Wrap in wax paper and chill for about 30 minutes in refrigerator. Roll out the dough about 1.4in thick, cut out circles with a donut cutter. Run the circles though a pasta machine
    (use Thickness 4&5). Wrap the rolled dough around aluminum tubes and wet the edge of the dough with water. Place in deep fryer at 375 degrees until golden brown. Remove and place on towel to drain and cool.

    To make the filling:
    Place the ricotta in a mixing bowl and add sugar, cream cheese, almond extract to taste. Then add the chopped chocolate chips and nuts. Mix well and set aside.
    Use only a dry type ricotta as the final mixture tends to run.
    Store filling in refrigerator until it is used.
    DO NOT FILL THE SHELLS TOO FAR IN ADVANCE, as the shells will soften.
    When filled, dust the shells with powdered sugar and serve.

    COMMENTS: Do not wash the aluminum cannoli tubes in dish washer.
    Detergents wash away the oil film and make it difficult to remove shells from tubes.
    EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1 deep fryer with basket
    12 aluminum tubes 1" x 6" long
    1 cooling rack
    1 Pasta Making Machine
    1 Rolling Pin




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