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    Crepes: The Basics

    Source of Recipe
    These delicate little "pancakes" can be filled with lobster to make an elegant appetizer or strawberry cream for a fun dessert. Crepes are actually easy to make. Always think of the first one you make as your practice piece, this way you can get the temperature of your pan correct the timing right.

    Unfilled crepes freeze well. Stack crepes alternating each with 2 layers of waxed paper. Place the entire stack in a Ziploc bag. Freeze up to 4 months. Let crepes thaw at room temperature about 1 hour before using.

    The Basics:
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1-1/2 cups water
    3 eggs

    Whisk together flour, water, eggs and a dash of salt until smooth.
    Let stand 5 to 10 minutes.
    Rub an oiled paper towel along the inside of an 8-inch nonstick saucepan.
    Heat saucepan.
    Pour 1/4 cup batter onto the pan.
    Swirl batter around to cover surface.
    Cook over medium heat until firm, about 20 -30 seconds.
    Flip crepe with fingers or spatula.
    Cook for about 5 seconds on other side.
    Remove from pan and stack on a plate.

    For sweet crepes add 2 teaspoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
    For chocolate crepes add 2 tablespoons chocolate sauce to the sweet crepe recipe.




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