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    Pudding: Maple Rice Pudding

    Source of Recipe

    Recipe Introduction

    When we say this maple rice pudding is a decadent dessert, there's more than a grain of truth to the statement. You'll love every spoonful.

    List of Ingredients

    3 cups milk
    3 cups light cream
    1 tsp. vanilla
    Pinch salt
    1/2 cup maple syrup
    6 eggs
    2 cups cooked long-grain rice (cooked in milk instead of water)
    Maple syrup, to taste


    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Butter a 12-inch square casserole dish. In a large bowl, combine the milk, cream, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, and eggs; mix well to ensure that the eggs are thoroughly incorporated. Add rice and stir until well combined. Pour mixture into casserole dish; bake until mixture is set and top is golden and bubbling (30-40 minutes) or for a slightly creamier consistency cook in a hot water bath for 40-45 minutes. Serve hot or cold, drizzled with maple syrup.




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