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    Ruth Baird’s Strawberry Shortcake

    Source of Recipe

    Ruth Baird

    List of Ingredients

    2 quarts strawberries
    1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
    2 cups flour
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup Crisco
    3/4 cup milk, more or less
    1 cup heavy cream, whipped


    Wash and hull strawberries; set a few perfect ones aside for the garnish and cut up the rest. Add 1/2 cup sugar to the cut-up berries and set aside. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar. Cut in Crisco until well mixed. Stirring quickly, add enough milk to make a soft dough.

    Turn out onto a floured board and -- handling the dough as little as possible -- shape into 2 rounds, each 1/2-inch thick and about 7 inches in diameter.

    Transfer to greased baking sheets and bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees F. Place 1 layer of hot biscuit on a serving platter and butter well. Spread with sugared berries.

    Top with second layer and more sugared berries. Add whipped cream and garnish with whole berries. Cut into wedges to serve.

    SERVES 8




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