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    Sherbet: Strawberry Sherbet

    Source of Recipe

    List of Ingredients

    3 egg whites
    1/3 cup water
    3/4 cup honey
    3 cups pureed strawberries
    1/4 cup lemon juice
    1/2 cup crème de cassis
    grand marnier -- (optional)


    Beat the egg whites until stiff. Boil the water and honey in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan for several minutes over medium heat, being careful not to burn. Dribble this hot syrup into the egg whites and beat another 5 minutes to form a satiny meringue. Add pureed strawberries, lemon juice, and crème de cassis. Freeze this mixture in a flat pan until it begins to set, then beat it to break up the ice crystals, freeze and beat again, and freeze once more in a mold. To unmold dip the mold into warm water for a minute or two. Place the sherbet in punch bowl and put back in freezer. When it is time to serve, garnish with sliced strawberries (if you wish, pour warmed Grand Marnier over the strawberries and sherbet and flame). Last of all, douse with champagne.

    Nutritional Information:
    1047 Calories (kcal); 3g Total Fat; (2% calories from fat); 16g Protein; 265g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 184mg Sodium




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