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    Appetizer Buying Guide

    Source of Recipe

    Hormel Foods

    Recipe Introduction

    The role your appetizers play in your party plan determines the amount you will need to prepare. The following is a general guideline for a wine and cheese party, cocktail party or impromptu gathering. This buying guide is not intended to provide a full meal, or for a gathering lasting longer than 2 to 3 hours. Please adjust your buying with these factors in mind.
    Meat and Cheese Tray

    Meat, 3 oz. per person
    Cheese, 3 oz. per person
    Crackers, 2 oz. per person

    Seafood Appetizers

    Cocktail Shrimp (large), 3-4 per person
    Cocktail Sauce, 2 tablespoons per person
    Caviar, 1/2 teaspoon per person
    Seafood Dips, 3-4 tablespoons per person
    Allow 3-4 seafood appetizer pieces per person

    Vegetables and Dip

    Dip, 3 tablespoons per person

    Asparagus, 1 ½ ounces per person
    Broccoli, 2 ½ ounces per person
    Carrots, 1 ½ ounces per person
    Cauliflower, 2 ½ ounces per person
    Celery, 2 ½ ounces per person
    Cherry Tomatoes, 1 ½ ounces per person
    Cucumber, 2 ½ ounces per person
    Jicama, 2 ounces per person
    Mushrooms, 1 ½ ounces per person
    Pea pods, 1 ounce per person
    Zucchini, 2 ounces per person


    Dip, 3 tablespoons per person
    Prepared mixed fruit, 1 cup per person

    Approximate Yield per pound of Fruit:
    Blueberries, 1 pint = 2 cups
    Cantaloupe, 3 pounds = 4 cups
    Grapes, 1 pound = 2 cups
    Honeydew, 3 pounds = 4 cups
    Pineapple, 1 pound = 5 cups
    Raspberries, 1 pint = 2 cups
    Strawberries, 1 pound = 4 cups
    Watermelon, 4 ¼ pounds = 4 cups

    Cocktail and Finger Sandwiches

    Cocktail buns, 3 per person
    Meat, 3 ounces per person
    Cheese, 1 ½ ounces per person


    Cocktail Wieners, 3 - 4 per person
    Meatballs, 3 - 4 per person
    Miniature Quiche, 3 - 4 per person
    FYI: A one pound bag of Cocktail Wieners, or Meatballs, contains approximately 25 pieces

    Mixed Nuts, ½ ounce per person

    Olives, 2 ounces per person (or 2-3 pieces per person)

    Pickles, 2 ½ ounces per person (or 2-3 pieces per person)

    Allow for 1 piece of dessert per person, 2-3 petits-fours per person

    Chips 2 ounces per person
    Dip 3 tablespoons per person


    ½ bottle of wine per person, per hour
    1-2 beers per person, per hour
    1-2 soft drinks or mineral water per person, per hour

    A one pound can of coffee will provide approximately 50 (6 ounce) servings.

    One gallon of fruit punch or soft drink will provide approximately 20 - 6 ounce servings.

    Helpful Hints

    For items not listed, 3-4 appetizer pieces per person is a safe guideline for a host to follow.

    Fresh vegetables can be prepared the day before your party. Store in plastic storage bags or containers and add several ice cubes to keep vegetables crisp until serving.

    Adjust beverage amounts according to the type of gathering and the drinking habits of your guests. Always remember to provide non alcoholic beverages.

    Keep a bucket of ice water handy to chill wine if needed.

    To prevent misplacing of beverages, provide your guests with wine charms and/or personalized beverage holders.

    Be prepared, it's always better to have too much food.

    Serve a variety of hot and cold appetizers if a sit down meal does not follow.

    Prepare as much as you can the day before the gathering.

    * 16 tbsp. = 1 Cup
    * 16 oz. = 1 pound
    * 32 oz = 1 quart

    Conversion Deli Style

    1 pint = 1 pound, Serves 2 - 3
    1 quart = 2 pounds, Serves 4 - 6
    1/2 gal. = 4 pounds, Serves 10 - 12
    1 gallon = 8 pounds, Serves 20 - 25




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