Centerpiece: Baby Shower Diaper Cake
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
A diaper ‘cake’ not only makes a great centerpiece but is also a useful and practical gift for the mom-to-be.
How many diapers you will need will depend on how many tiers you would like the cake to be. But as a general guide you will probably need about 50 newborn disposable diapers for a three tier cake.
It’s up to you if you would like the printed motif to show or not. The cake could be decorated with baby blue or baby pink colored ribbons or with pale lemon or mint green ribbons.
Some little baby items can also be used to decorate the cake. For example a pacifier, rattle, hair brush, bib, teething ring and little socks or booties.
The cake can then be topped with a small teddy or other soft toy, rubber ducky or a baby’s bottle or something of your choice.
List of Ingredients
Disposable newborn diapers
Rubber bands or yarn
An empty paper towel roll (you’ll only need the tube) or a tall baby’s bottle
Lots of ribbon (narrow and wide)
Little baby items eg. pacifier, rattle, hair brush, bib, teething ring, little socks or booties
A small soft toy, rubber ducky or a baby’s bottle to top the cake, or something of your choice
A large cardboard disc covered in aluminum foil or baby gift wrapping paper, or a cake board or suitable tray.
A spoonful of patience or possibly an extra pair of hands
Begin by rolling as many diapers as you think you may need and securing with a rubber band, narrow ribbon or yarn. You can always roll and secure a few more if you find you haven’t done enough. Then stand the diapers vertically around the base of the paper towel tube.
Hold in place by tying a length of narrow ribbon or yarn around them. Around this first circle of diapers stand a second row of rolled and secured diapers, and hold these in place as before.
Repeat this process until this cake layer, or tier, is the size you would like, firmly securing around each row. So that in effect you have circles within circles.
For the second tier, starting next to the paper towel tube and on top of the first tier, stand more secured and rolled diapers, securing the completed circle as before.
Continue as for the first tier, securing around each complete circle of diapers with ribbon or yarn until the second tier is completed, this should be smaller than the first tier.
Repeat this process for the third tier, making this layer smaller than the previous two layers. Then wrap a length of wider ribbon around each completed tier.
This will not only help to keep the layers in place but will also hide any rubber bands, or yarn that you may have used in securing the diapers.
To decorate the cake tuck little baby items into the wide ribbon, and top the cake with something suggested in the ingredients or with something of your choice.
note: You may find it easier to secure the paper towel tube onto the middle of the cake base first, and work upwards. This will also help as a guide to the size of the first tier.