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Recipe Categories:

    Centerpiece: Easter Egg Centerpiece

    Source of Recipe

    Rachel Webb

    List of Ingredients

    1 - 9" - 25" sturdy, empty helium balloon

    Optional smaller balloons

    12" wide strips of newspaper

    Decoupage glue

    Sharp scissors

    Candy or small toys for filling


    by inflating the balloon and tying a knot in the end. You can tape several balloons together to create the shape you want your piñata to be but a oval is the easiest shape to work with. Carefully dip the strips on newspaper into the decoupage and gently lay it across the balloon working vertically until it is covered. Continue covering the balloon in the opposite direction horizontally. You can continue adding newspaper strips until the balloon feels solid and firm. When it is dry, use a pin to pop the balloon.

    DECORATING You can paint the balloon whatever color you wish and decorate it as you would a Easter egg or you may want to cover your piñata with aluminum foil or colored plastic wrap for a unique spring look and add a big, colorful ribbon on top.

    You can use the piñata egg as a fancy centerpiece to hold party favors by cutting a oval hole on the side of the egg in the middle so it looks like a window looking inside. Next, fill the hole with Easter grass, small stuffed animals, rubber balls or other small toys and chocolate Easter bunnies.




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