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    Centerpiece: Fire-and-Ice Holiday Centerpiece

    Source of Recipe

    Taste of Home

    Recipe Introduction

    Guests will be in awe when they catch sight of this unique holiday centerpiece. You can view the centerpiece by going to the link below.

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    Materials Needed:
    Artificial or natural pine greens and pinecones
    Small gold plastic balls
    Gold string beads
    Freezer-safe container with smooth, straight sides
    Distilled water
    Tea light candles in clear containers
    Edged tray to hold centerpiece
    Fresh greens


    Place greens, pinecones, gold balls and beads in a freezer-safe container, using enough so they stay in place when water is added and arranging them so they touch the sides of the container.

    Carefully add distilled water to within 1 in. of the top of the container. Float tea lights on top of the water. Place on a flat surface in the freezer; freeze for several days or until solid.

    About 15 minutes before unmolding, remove the container from the freezer. Let stand at room temperature until ice releases from the sides of container.

    Trim or fold a paper towel so it is a bit smaller than the centerpiece and place on tray. Place the centerpiece on top of paper towel to keep it from sliding. Add fresh greens around the base of the centerpiece. Remove water from the tray as needed.

    —From Jane Craig, Craft Editor




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