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Recipe Categories:

    Centerpiece: Holiday Table Arrangement

    Source of Recipe

    A. Beveridge

    List of Ingredients

    Glass Bowl
    Preservative Water
    Wreath - fresh or artificial
    One consumer bouquet
    Cut greens
    Glue pan and glue
    Ribbons if desired
    Holiday decorations
    (balls, ornaments, pinecones)
    * Marbles and Stones


    1. If you like, you may glue foliages into your wreath. glue additional pinecones ornaments, etc. as you choose.

    2. Place clean preservative water in a bowl and place the wreath on top of the bowl so the edge rests on the top of the lip of the bowl. If you choose you may put colored marbles and stones in the base of the glass dish to enhance the base of the design.

    3. Clean all your foliage from the stems of the flowers and place them in the center of the wreath, first resting them on the side of the wreath and working your way in adding foliages as you go.

    4. Add water daily and change the water every three days.




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