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Recipe Categories:

    Kids Party/Entertaining Tips

    Source of Recipe

    Viva Paper Towels/ Food Network

    Recipe Link:

    • Make homemade face paints for a children's party by combining 1/2 teaspoon of cold cream, 1/2 teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of cornstarch. Add just a bit food coloring to create an entire palette of colors.

    • For a children's party, make a hole in candy squares with a skewer (or use Lifesavers), string the candy on a licorice string, then tie that around a napkinfor a fun napkin ring.

    • For a child's party, use dried goods from around the kitchen to create artwork. Simply draw with the glue, then shake on the dried goods. Let it dry, then shake off the excess to reveal your design.

    • Make edible finger paint for a children's party by using vanilla pudding and some food coloring.

    • A great idea is to take the plastic buckets or paint cans and paint your own design on them. Have the children decorate their own bucket to take on a hike. Use latex spray paints, then decorate them with the paint pens.

    • Save plastic gallon ice-cream containers and use them for packing lunch items for a picnic. Use one to pack the main part of the meal, another to hold fruit or vegetables, another for the drinks and so on. This works great because one potentially heavy load is broken up into smaller, less heavy loads. Also it allows children to take part in the fun and help carry a little bit of the picnic.

    • When planning for dessert on a picnic, stay away from things that melt easily such as ice ream, frozen desserts and chocolate. Even the chocolate chips in cookies can get pretty messy. Pack hardier dessert fare such as sugar cookies, granola bars, or cereal bars, which are more resistant to melting.

    • To keep ants from ruining a picnic, draw chalk circles around plates on the picnic table. Use talcum powder if the picnic is to take place on a blanket. Ants won't cross either because of the smell and texture.

    • To keep flies and bees at bay, hang a piece of raw bacon away from the picnic area. The flies and bees will be more attracted to the bacon than the goodies at the picnic.

    • Clothes hangers make great paper-towel and toilet-paper holders for outdoor events or camping.

    • If the children end up getting sticky or dirty during their outdoor excursion, keep a gallon jug of water around with liquid soap mixed in for a one-pour cleanup station.

    • Place a pile of tissues or paper towels in the bathroom if you don't want people to use your hand towels. It is also neater to set out liquid soap instead of bar soap.

    • To take care of spills, pour automatic dishwashing powder on it and cover with a paper towel, then you can clean it up later. The paper towel reminds you that it's there.




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