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    Shrimp in Tamarind Sauce

    Source of Recipe

    List of Ingredients

    2 pounds shrimp, peeled and deveined
    4 tablespoons butter
    1 medium onion
    2 tablespoons peeled and minced ginger
    1 small fresh chili, stemmed, seeded and diced, or 1 teaspoon
    dried chili flakes, or to taste
    1/4 cup tamarind paste, or to taste
    1/4 cup fresh lime juice, or to taste
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Chopped cilantro leaves for garnish
    Lime wedges


    1. Turn the heat under a large nonstick skillet to high, and heat for one minute. Add as many shrimp as will fit comfortably in one layer - do not try to brown all at once. As soon as they begin to brown, about a minute later, turn them, cook about 30 seconds on the other side and remove from pan. Repeat until all shrimp are
    done, then turn off heat for a minute.

    2. Turn heat to medium, and add butter; when it melts, add onion, turn heat to medium high and cook, stirring occasionally, until onion softens, about 5 minutes. Add ginger and chili, and cook for 30 seconds, then add tamarind paste and 1/4 cup water. Stir to blend, then taste, and add more tamarind paste if necessary; return shrimp to pan. Bring to a boil, then stir in lime juice; cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture thickens, a minute or so.

    3. Taste and adjust seasoning, then garnish, and serve over rice, with lime wedges.

    YIELD: 4 Servings




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